Was hand-picked by FRED ASTAIRE to succeed him as dance partner for BARRIE CHASE.
CHRISTOPHER was simultaneously offered roles in "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" (1970) and "Myra Breckinridge" (1970), but turned the latter film down.
Danced and choreographed under the name RONNIE RIORDAN.
First chairman of the board of directors of the Professional Dancer's Society.
CHRISTOPHER is the last actor to reside at RUDOLPH VALENTINOS home, Falcon Lair, as it originally stood. It is now under construction for a renovation and restoration.
Called film director, LEWIS MILESTONE, the father he never had. Was also introduced by the MILESTONES as the son they never had.
BARRIE CHASE and CHRISTOPHER first worked together in 1962.
Occasionally performs his nightclub act with accompanist, JAMES FREDERICKS, especially for AIDS benefits.
Had roles in seven ELVIS PRESLEY films and specials.
Provided background vocals on both renditions of the song "Ascot Gavotte" for the "My Fair Lady" (1964) soundtrack recording.
In 1956, when playing the uncredited role of ELIZABETH TAYLOR'S son in "Raintree County" (1957), he was only six years younger than she. Slightly more plausible, MONTGOMERY CLIFT who played the father, was 36, making him at least 18 years older than CHRISTOPHER.
In 1952, LEWIS MILESTONE (CHRISTOPHER'S "adoptive" father), directed WILLIAM COTTRELL in his film version of "Les Miserables" (1952). In 1993, CHRISTOPHER directed WILLIAM COTTRELL in his stage version of "Don Juan in Hell." MR. COTTRELL was the narrator, the role he had in the 1951 premiere performance of "Don Juan," which starred, CHARLES LAUGHTON, CHARLES BOYER, CEDRIC HARDWICKE and AGNES MOOREHEAD. MR. COTTRELL was also the man MARLON BRANDO chose to coach him when the two appeared in the film "Julius Caesar" (1953). From left to right, NEIL WESTON, GEORGE CHAKIRIS, CHRISTOPHER, SHIRLEY PATTON, and the wonderful WILLIAM COTTRELL.
CHRISTOPHER appeared in an event called A Celebration of the King's Life at the Cannery Casino in Las Vegas (January 9-10, 2015). This event featured the performances of JOHNNY FORTUNO as well as the STAMPS QUARTET. CHRISTOPHER was among the special guests for this performance, which also included JIMMY VELVET, SAM THOMPSON, DICK GROB and STEVE CHRISTOPHER, DJ with Elvis On Air.
Celebration of the King's Life. CHRISTOPHER was again at the North Cannery Casino in Las Vegas (August 7-8, 2015) this time to spend more time with all his great ELVIS fans, and, of course, with his good friends and former cast members, JOHNNY FORTUNO, THE STAMPS, CYNTHIA PEPPER and DARLENE TOMPKINS.
CHRISTOPHER joined BARRY and STANLEY LIVINGSTON, TINA COLE and CYNTHIA PEPPER (the cast of "My Three Sons" (1960)) at the Hollywood (Autograph) Show (held on October 31 - November 1, 2016), as well as his cast members from "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" (1970), DOLLY REED and MARCIA McBROOM.
Was a Special Guest Speaker at Graceland during Elvis Week on Monday, August 15, 2016, on the "Conversations on Elvis" panel with others who knew Elvis from various films. Interview by TOM BROWN, former CEO at TCM.
CHRISTOPHER was a VIP Guest at the Pentiction Elvis Festival in British Columbia, Canada on June 22-25, 2017.
CHRISTOPHER was featured at the 10th Anniversary of the Blue Suede Music Festival in Busby, Alberta, in Canada, the weekend of August 24-26, 2018, and has been invited back as a VIP Guest to the Festival the weekend of July 28-30, 2023.
At a ceremony on October 7, 2018, celebrating "Raintree County" (1957), a lilac bush was donated by CHRISTOPHER in honor of his film family and especially dedicated to the memory of ELIZABETH TAYLOR and MONTGOMERY CLIFT. A specially written statement was read by one of the Henry County executives, since CHRISTOPHER was filming at the time.
November 2, 2019 - CHRISTOPHER appeared at the Hollywood (Autograph) Show where he sold several items from his personal collection.
CHRISTOPHER was featured in the publication, 'Films of the Golden Age' by GARY BRUMBURGH for the Summer 2021 Edition, Issue #105, which included a 17-page interview, complete with numerous photos.